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Ryan’s Favorite!

Our Wine Club Man­ag­er

Petite Sirah 2021

Six Bottles
$145 Shipped ($125 Club)

We are excit­ed to announce a spe­cial pro­mo­tion on our 2021 Petite Sir­ah from the Blind Faith Vine­yard, which is CCOF-Cer­ti­fied organ­ic. This hap­pens to be Ryan, our wine club man­ager’s favorite wine. For a lim­it­ed time, you can enjoy six bot­tles for just $125.

Why Ryan, Our Wine Club Man­ag­er, Adores This Wine:
Ryan is par­tic­u­lar­ly fond of wines that leave a last­ing impres­sion, and the 2021 Petite Sir­ah cer­tain­ly fits the bill. Known for its dark, inky col­or and bold fla­vors, this wine cap­tures his heart every time. Its robust pro­file, which con­sists of a bal­ance of con­cen­trat­ed fla­vors and high acid­i­ty, is the result of the long, hot days fol­lowed by cool­er evenings in the Paso Rob­les AVA.

Taste the Excel­lence:
The 2021 vin­tage show­cas­es a unique per­son­al­i­ty, thanks to a mild spring and sum­mer that ensured a pro­longed mat­u­ra­tion of the grapes. This metic­u­lous process leads to soft tan­nins and vibrant fruit fla­vors, which are beau­ti­ful­ly encap­su­lat­ed in every bot­tle. The care­ful fer­men­ta­tion process and aging in small Amer­i­can oak bar­rels enhance the com­plex­i­ty of this Petite Sir­ah, offer­ing a vel­vety fin­ish.

Per­fect Pair­ing:
Ryan rec­om­mends pair­ing this wine with hearty grilled meat dish­es. Its tan­nic strength and bold­ness make it an excel­lent com­ple­ment to rich and savory fla­vors, enhanc­ing both the meal and the wine expe­ri­ence.

Savor Now or Age Grace­ful­ly:
You can enjoy the 2021 Petite Sir­ah now, or let it mature grace­ful­ly in your cel­lar. Either way, you’re in for a wine that con­tin­ues to evolve and impress.

Join us in cel­e­brat­ing this excep­tion­al wine, and take advan­tage of this spe­cial offer while it lasts. Cheers to great wine, great food, and the shared moments that make them mem­o­rable. Order your box today and dis­cov­er why Ryan can’t stop rav­ing about the 2021 Petite Sirah!